Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 4:53 PM
Life is too short.
Grudges are a waste of perfect HAPPINESS.
Laugh when you can.
Apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change.
Love deeply and forgive quickly.
Take chances.
Give everything and have no regrets...
Life is too short to be unhappy.
You have to take good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad.
Love what you got and always remember what you had...
Always forgive. Never forget.
Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
Smile as much as you can :)
Haix, so boring.. ... everytime also boring ? lols. Holiday is kinda nothing to do..
only computer? but don't have internet tat time will complain again.. aiyos !
So wish to go out, but go out also need MONEY.. No money means go out also no use ):
though go out also never say need $$$ but sure will like someting when you see in the Shopping Mall loh. HAIXCXZ.
This is life LOH! >.<
profile ♥
Name: Ivy Bay
Birthday: 1st June 1997
Age: 12 going to 13 this year
Singapore: Near Farrer Park
Farrer Park Primary School `6/3 Whitley Secondary School `1E2
MSN: lollipop-kawaiie@hotmail.com
BLOGGING are part of my life.
I'm interested in Friendship, KPOP , TWPOP, Photography, Hip-Hop (:
And I
LOVES playinq
I can sometimes be so lunatic at
I'm currently
Andy ♥
Ashley ♥
Cherlynn ♥
Evonne ♥
Dilys ♥
Fu Chen ♥
Jin Feng ♥
Jia Wen ♥
Jie Li ♥
Jie Xin ♥
Jie Min ♥
Jamie ♥
Kevin ♥
Ricky ♥
Sebrina ♥
Stephanie ♥
Sheryl ♥
SS501 ♥
Vicky ♥
Wen Yang ♥
Yuan Ting ♥
Wishlist ♥
• Do well for test & exams
• Go Korea & Japan
• Lollipop Fone ~
• Stay Cheerful
• Go out wif Jie/Kor
• Be a singer :P
• Go SS501's CONCERT:D
• Stay in Korea/Japan/Taiwan for a Few Years or Months (:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 4:53 PM
Life is too short.
Grudges are a waste of perfect HAPPINESS.
Laugh when you can.
Apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change.
Love deeply and forgive quickly.
Take chances.
Give everything and have no regrets...
Life is too short to be unhappy.
You have to take good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad.
Love what you got and always remember what you had...
Always forgive. Never forget.
Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
Smile as much as you can :)
Haix, so boring.. ... everytime also boring ? lols. Holiday is kinda nothing to do..
only computer? but don't have internet tat time will complain again.. aiyos !
So wish to go out, but go out also need MONEY.. No money means go out also no use ):
though go out also never say need $$$ but sure will like someting when you see in the Shopping Mall loh. HAIXCXZ.
This is life LOH! >.<