Falling in love can never be for two persons in the same time. it is just that you are getting lost and confused out here. it happens that you are in love with someone and you are sure about that , and than you just meet a new one and start to get attracted to him, you found in him what is missing in the other, or you just find the same things that you loved in the first one, this mostly happens when you were with the first one for a long time now, when you start to feel that you lost the passion with him, and you lost the sweet things that you used to have at the start, and now everything is getting more responsible, and in the same time, you are living this again with the new one, so you start getting confused, you would even find yourself more attracted to the new one, simply because you dont have it yet. What am trying to say, that you can never love two persons in the same time, if loving someone mean that you would sacrifice everything for him, so which one you would sacrifice for the other, it is simply that you are not seing everything clear, and this because you are living both experience in the same time which is a disaster for the 3 of you. what you need is go outside the circle so you can see better, you need to spend sometime alone, without seing anyone of them, without talking to any of them, just between you and yourslef, you can then look deep inside and find really what you feel, you should just look better. hope * really know that if you continue this way, * will end up loosing both.
Name: Ivy Bay Birthday: 1st June 1997 Age: 12 going to 13 this year Singapore: Near Farrer Park school: Farrer Park Primary School `6/3 Whitley Secondary School `1E2 MSN: lollipop-kawaiie@hotmail.com Facebook
BLOGGING are part of my life.
I'm interested in Friendship, KPOP , TWPOP, Photography, Hip-Hop (:
I can sometimes be so lunatic at SHoPPinG O.O
I'm currently Single
Andy ♥
Ashley ♥
Cherlynn ♥
Evonne ♥
Dilys ♥
Fu Chen ♥
Jin Feng ♥
Jia Wen ♥
Jie Li ♥
Jie Xin ♥
Jie Min ♥
Jamie ♥
Kevin ♥
Ricky ♥
Sebrina ♥
Stephanie ♥
Sheryl ♥
SS501 ♥
Vicky ♥
Wen Yang ♥
Yuan Ting ♥
Wishlist ♥
• Do well for test & exams
• Go Korea & Japan
• Lollipop Fone ~
• Stay Cheerful
• Go out wif Jie/Kor
• Be a singer :P
• Go SS501's CONCERT:D
• Stay in Korea/Japan/Taiwan for a Few Years or Months (:
Falling in love can never be for two persons in the same time. it is just that you are getting lost and confused out here. it happens that you are in love with someone and you are sure about that , and than you just meet a new one and start to get attracted to him, you found in him what is missing in the other, or you just find the same things that you loved in the first one, this mostly happens when you were with the first one for a long time now, when you start to feel that you lost the passion with him, and you lost the sweet things that you used to have at the start, and now everything is getting more responsible, and in the same time, you are living this again with the new one, so you start getting confused, you would even find yourself more attracted to the new one, simply because you dont have it yet. What am trying to say, that you can never love two persons in the same time, if loving someone mean that you would sacrifice everything for him, so which one you would sacrifice for the other, it is simply that you are not seing everything clear, and this because you are living both experience in the same time which is a disaster for the 3 of you. what you need is go outside the circle so you can see better, you need to spend sometime alone, without seing anyone of them, without talking to any of them, just between you and yourslef, you can then look deep inside and find really what you feel, you should just look better. hope * really know that if you continue this way, * will end up loosing both.